About Hospital
- About Hospital
Medical Care Centre Trust is a Public Charitable Trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 (Reg. No. F-125) and also registered under Society Registration Act, 1860 (Reg. No.732).
Children Hospital was conceptualized as a service for the children with focus on the poor and the deprived section of the society. The school children participated in fund raising by collecting small donations Rs. Five to ten from their parents, ‘uncles’ and ‘aunties’. The hospital was named after the main donor but the children’s contribution was not forgotten. It was proudly displayed on the wall, the wards and rooms. They were named after the schools and the hospital was inaugurated by an unknown schoolgirl in year 1984.

Medical Care Centre Trust is a Public Charitable Trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 (Reg. No. F-125) and also registered under Society Registration Act, 1860 (Reg. No.732).
His Holiness Dalai Lama visited our institution on 20th May, 1990. He specially came to declare open Smt. Surajben Gordhanbhai Patel Women’s Hospital and Vaun Mahajan Apang Shishu Kendra. His august presence amongst us and his blessings made us feel humble and more determined in our resolve to serve the needy and the poor. He showed keen interest in the activities of our trust and gave a token donation of Rs.30,000/- from the Noble Peace Prize. We were honored by the grace of His Holiness.
Kashiben Gordhandas Patel Children Hospital is a tertiary care pediatric hospital serving the poor & needy people of Vadodara, Central Gujarat and neighboring states, of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Maharashtra. Our focus of activity is poor and sick child.
More than 2.5 million children have been served by Kashiben Gordhandas Patel Children Hospital since inception in 1984
Ours is a training Centre for Medical Graduates in Pediatric Medicine for Post Graduate Diploma of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.
The field of activities of the organization is to provide excellent medical care and treatment to nearly 30% of the cases free and to the remaining at very reasonable cost. In the year 2019, we have spent nearly Rs.4 crore to treat the poor and needy patients and to provide free treatment & medicines to them.
- Children’s Hospital.
- Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
- Neonatal Intensive care Unit.
- Preterm Baby Care Unit.
- Pediatric Cancer Department
- Women’s Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Mental Health Clinic
- Workshop for Aids & Appliances for the disabled
- Blood Bank - Regional Blood Transfusion Centre
- Eye Bank; Children’s Eye Clinic and Eye Hospital
- Speciality Paediatric Clinics : Cardiology / Epilepsy / Nephrology / Audio / Hematology / Endocrinology / Gastroenterology
- Imaging Centre / CT Scan
- Cleft lip and palate restoration under Smile Train Project
- Mother’s Milk Bank
- Medical Research
- Laboratory.
- Medical Research Centre.
- Training Centre for Medical Graduates in Pediatric Medicine for Post Graduate Diploma of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.
- Fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesia approved by Indian Association of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists.
- University approved Certificate Course in Pediatric Physiotherapy.
- Online Training Course with one day contact Interpretation and Application of Developmental Assessment of Indian Infants (DASII) & Baroda Developmental Screening Test (BDST) for Pediatricians, Family Physicians and as an introductory training for those who intend to become testers (graduates in Child Development, Psychology, Physiotherapy) with one day contact for Clinicians / Doctors & 3 days contact other testers.
- Hospital Assistant and Technician Certificate Course of Technical Education Board Government of Gujarat.
- B.Ed. Special Education (Mental Retardation) Correspondence 2.5 years Course recognized by Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University.
- Special School for Mentally Challenged Children.
- Training centre for Undergraduate & Postgraduate Medical & Paramedical Students.